Archive for May, 2011

Cheesy “Colourfull” chicken

I Love “I can cook” tv program on Cbeebies. Just like what I & adib were making a few weeks before. Last night, when two of us watching cbeebies, it just the right time when “I can cook” were playing. And it shows about Cheesy chicken, a simple but lovely meal for kids.

Suddenly, in the middle of the show, adib asked me to make it for school’s snack. Since I have all the ingredients, I’m agree with him πŸ™‚ .It’s not our first time making meal after watching the “I can Cook” show, we already made Banana Bread pudding before.

Making alone, because adib not wake up yet, it super duper easy meal. You can make with your kids. When adib wake up, I’ve just start to bake it, and he really happy to see those red 7 green paper.

Cheesy chicken

2 chery tomato, well chopped
2 Pepper (Paprika)
Quater part of Chicken
4 Shirmp
1 clove garlic, well chopped
Salt & pepper
Grated Mozzarella cheese
Grated Cheddar cheese

How to :
1. In a hot boiling water, add Garlic, salt and pepper, stir then add Chicken & shrimp for 5 minutes. Chopped chicken & shrimp, set aside.
2. Cut the Paprika into 2 pieces and leave the seeds aside.
3. Put Tomato inside the paprika, then add salt & pepper. Afterward, add Chicken & shrimp. Then spread over the mozzarella cheese on top of it, add some Cheddar cheese.
4. Bake for 15-20 minutes on 170dC.

For adib’s school snack, as requested. I added Some bake bread stick, and just called him, He said that He Love today’s meal, and He want more with another orange pepper just like what He saw on the show. Next time my son!

While baking the Cheesy chicken, I’m preparing for our lunch, Sweet stir-fried beef for adib, and add some red hot pepper for me πŸ™‚Β  . We called it “Oseng-oseng mercon” or stir-fried beef with chili peppers, when the sauce touch your tongue ,you will fell the sensation of a firework blew out on your mouth. Just prepare some tissue and hot drink πŸ˜€

When the Cheesy chicken all done, I taste it, and it very delicious. Really love a simple food with a great taste! You can use the colourfull Paprika pepper, and your kids will love it!

..:: diah Re ::..

Fishing time! Milky Steamed (cup)cakes as our snacks.

It’s a long weekend last week, as Tuesday were holiday. But since we already take a long leave a week ago due to our lovely Papa has passed away.

Papa leave us forever at 5 may 2011, in Suddenly at 5:00 AM. Ayah, me , Adib & om Angga (adib’s uncle) plan to go home at 6:00 AM flight, but by the time we open our gate house, we’ve got called that Papa already passed away. Unfortunatelly, we can’t meet Papa before 😦 Al fatihah for you Papa, may you peace in Allah’s heaven. Amien.

Back to our last weekend holiday,Just stay at home from saturday, then at thuesday, Ayah suddenly want to go fishing! Looking some fishing place’s references, we decided to go to Pasir Mukti. How lucky we are, Om Angga, who has just landed at monday’s night want to join us πŸ™‚

At 7:00 AM, we went to Pasir Mukti, it takes 40 minutes, but enjoy the view after exit Toll Gate Citeruep and just follow the Pair Mukti’s sign board.

Welcome to a refreshing place at the morning, that’s what we feel at the first time entering this resort. Adib was so excited!

I make Fried veggie as we called “Bala-bala” and Another version of steam spongecakes which different than what i made before.

And this is my Milky version of steam spongecake. It’s healthier than before because not using any kind of baking powder or baking soda. Got the recipe for Mailing list NCC.

Milky steam spongecake

250gr flour
200ml milk
150gr granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1tsp emulsifier
50gr choco chips

How to:
1. Mix all the ingridients except the choco chips in a large mixing bowl about 30 minutes until soft & thick.
2. Add choco chips, Fully pour into muffin’s tray with a percament paper inside.
3. Steam for 20 minutes on a hot boiling water.

We’ve got 4 Bramidae fishes after 3 hours fishing πŸ˜€ Yeah! I guess it’s easy to fishing, but….Β  We try to move to other fishing pool, but didn’t get any fish at the second pools, it’s not our lucky days after all, but Alhamdulillah , 4 fishes are enough for us πŸ™‚

For me, Fishing is kind a boring activities, so we decided to play at the Outbound of Pasir Mukti facilities. So many facilities that kids can play, And one thing that important, it save and traditional πŸ™‚

After fishing, we’re having lunch at Kalimantan restaurant , with their delicious BBQ “Siluriformes” Catfish . Nyuuuum..

Happy holiday!

..:: diah Re ::..

Colorfull Palm sugar steam spongecake

Actually, i want to make this kind of steam sponge since @ditutΒ  put her photo of modified Palm sugar steam sponge on twiter. When she said that she was got the recipe from the NCC mailing list,i’m opened my mail andΒ  found the original recipe of Palm sugar steam sponge cake.

Glad that i live in Jakarta,Indonesia where the palm sugar were very cheap and easy to get, while @ditut said that it’s very expensive in Kuwait, where she lives.

After a few weeks keeping the recipe, today i try to made one. While preparing adib’s school snack, i make the palm sugar syrups.Then just let it cool so i can get to work, cause i’m going home earlier today πŸ˜€

I made half recipe and it Work! Honestly this is my first time made success of steam sponge cake on cup. I’m always failed before, but after reading some comment about this easy blossom of steam sponge cake, i’m willing to try it.

Palm Sugar Steam Sponge Cake
recipe from NCC mailing list

1 large egg
40gr homemade brown sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp emulsifier
250gr all purpose flour
125ml vegetable oil
200gr Palm sugar
200ml water
Any kind color or topping you like

How to:
1. Make the simple Palm sugar syrup by boiling the water with palm sugar. Strain the mixture and let it cool.
2. Prepare the Steamer with enough water and steam before you put the ready-to-steam batter. To avoid the steam touching the batter while steaming, you can use any kind of cloth on the steamer cover.
3. Using a mixer, mix egg, brown sugar, emulsifier, baking soda and baking powder, mix until well combine.
4. Add Palm sugar syrup alternate between flour and vegetable oil, mix until well combine with low speed mixer.
5. Divide the batter into 3 portion, add color as you like, mix well.
6. Pour the batter to steam cup with a baking paper inside, 3/4 cup full.If you wanna make a colorful steam spongecake, you can pour the colorful batter at 2 or 3 color at one cup.
7. Steam for 20-25 minutes

For afternoon tea time, or breakfast , soft & yummy πŸ™‚

..:: diah Re ::..

Chocolate Canary Nuts Cookies with homemade brown sugars

This freaking 2 days are really need a lot of attention, since adib was spewing all what he has been eaten, i need a lot ofΒ Β  patience to observe him and less sleep for sure.

Today, I’m stay at home incase adib will getting worse in his condition, but Alhamdulillah, he’s already back to normal. Having breakfast with fried fish and Lunch with a bowl of Chicken noodle soup. Banana and yogurt as his meal before his nap.

Me? I’m also getting nap, but only for an hour, afterward checking some office email and don’t know what to do. Then I’ve remembered that i have a bottle of molasses that I’ve bought a couple weeks ago. Hmmm.. thinking to make some cookies while waiting adib wake up from his nap sounds great idea.

We love choc chips cookies, but unfortunately i don’t have any of choc chips. But when i saw Canary nuts A.K.A Belanda almond, i think it’s a really great substitute πŸ™‚

Got this easy simple recipes of homemade browns sugar from Joy the bakerΒ  . And it really work, Note the tips that Joy have been written. It will super gunky and clumpy at the begining but just keep mixing until well combine.

Homemade Brown sugar

1 cups Granulated White sugar
1 tsp Molasses

it easy to make, just mixed all of two ingredients, and mixer until well combined .For the dark brown sugar, just add another teaspoon.
It’s take only 2-3 minutes to make this easy brown sugar, and you can zipped locked after it or just ready for use.

Chocolate Canary Nuts Cookies

110gr Unsalted butter
150gr brown sugar
1 egg
100gr QuickerΒ  oat, grind to a fine powder
120gr all purpose flour
1/2 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Baking soda

150gr Canary nuts
150gr Bittersweet/semisweet chocolate, well chopped.

How to :
1. Mix butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add egg, beat until well combined.
2. Add oat, flour, baking powder and baking soda, then mix until just combine.
3. Add Nuts and chocolate, mix all until combine, cover with plastic wrap and leave half hour on fridge.
4. Take a teaspoon of dough, using your hand, form it to a ball and just push the top of the ball. And arrange on tray with a baking pepper.

5. Bake at 170dC for 10 minutes, cool immediately on cooling tray.

When it cold, you just eat it or dip on a glass of milk πŸ™‚ Dont have to go to Famous Amos store to bought this kind of cookies, Only need an hour to prepare & baking. You can change the filling withΒ  Nuts, chocolate, Sultana, Dried fruits or any kind you like.

Hey, did you notice that I’ve tried to write my blog on English. Yup! a new chapter, but Hope you can enjoy reading it. Happy reading, happy cooking πŸ™‚

..:: diah Re ::..

Spinach fettucini Carbonara with Salmon Nugget

Kembali ke senin, hari malas sedunia untuk memulai hari, bukan karena semboyan “i hate monday” tapi emang kalo senin itu kayanya males banget akibat kerjaan banyak, kalo dulu belum terima kerjaan ini, senin masih bisa diatasi, tapi sekarang, pengen nangis bombay rasanya πŸ˜€

Tapi, ga bole nyerah, rutinitas wajib tetep harus berjalan, sambil buka laptop ngerjain Kerjaan kantor ya sambil masak juga. Jadi wira-wiri antara dapur dan ruang tengah. Serem kalo bawa laptop ke dapur, takut kena ciprat adonan, kan sayang kalo kotor.

Pagi ini maunya yang simple bikin nugget aja. Lama banget ga bikin nugget.Uda beli ayam giling dari sabtu lalu, eh begitu dibuka dari bungkusnya… Bau banget! Jadi pengen muntah, padahal baru 2 hari dikulkas eh kok basi ya, nasib beli di CF ambas dan sempet masuk bagasi mobil cukup lama, jadi basi deh, untung ayam kampung dan salmon sashiminya ga ikutan basi, masih fresh. Jadi yg salah siapa? CF-nya atau bagasi? Relakan sajalah πŸ™‚

Ganti haluan bahan tapi tetep tujuan yang sama, karena ayam gilingnya terpaksa dibuang, ambil salmon sashimi ayah deh, maaf ya ayah πŸ˜€

Salmon Nugget

200gr salmon (pilih bagian belly/perut)
100gr udang kupas
75ml susu cair
50gr tepung sagu (max 75gr)
2 butir telur
100gr keju parut

2 butir telur
Tepung roti

Cara :
1. Haluskan salmon dan udang, bisa dengan mencincangnya ataupun dengan bantuan food processor atau penggiling daging.
2. Campurkan dalam satu wadah, salmon, udang, susu cair, tepung sagu, telur, garam, gula dan merica, aduk merata. Tambahkan tepung sagu jika dirasa masih cair.
3. Masukkan keju parut dan aduk merata.
4. Siapkan pinggan tahan panas dan olesi dengan minyak tipis, tuang adonan salmon, Kukus selama 20 menit.
5. Cetak kukusan salmon sesuai selera.
6. Kocok asal telur, celupkan cetakan salmon satu persatu kemudian gulingkan pada tepung roti. Lakukan 2x untuk masing-masing cetakan hingga habis.
7. Simpan didalam freezer, keluarkan sesaat sebelumnya dan siap untuk digoreng.

Untuk carbonaranya, aku pake spincah fettucini. Sedangkan saosnya bisa dibuat dengan cara menumis bawang putih cincang dan bawang bombay beserta susu dan keju parut, jangan lupa diberi perasa (garam, lada & gula), masukkan deh pasta yang sudah direbus terlebih dahulu.

Salmon nuggetnya yang nyetak si adib, dia bikin bentuk Mobil, ikan kecil,pinguin, lumba-lumba dan kura-kura,sedangkan aku bikin sisa dari cetakan itu berbentuk bola aja, kan sayang tuh masih sisa banyak dari nugget yang dibentuk. Karena yg pas di box bekal adibΒ  adalah nugget yang aku bikin, jadi yang sempet difoto ya cuma nugget bola yang digoreng aja πŸ™‚

Oh iya, kemaren weekend nih, kan maen ke PI, eh melipir ke EX, si ayah liat cafe-nya Haagen-dazs, minta mampir. Aku? ih.. uda ga demen makan ice cream, traumaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Adib minta single scoop stoberi, sedangkan ayah yang campuran. Doyan banget mereka berdua.

Kejadian bodohnya bukan karena makan ice cream nya, tapi pas banyar. Aku inget banget punya voucher haagen-dazs, kan sayang tuh ga dipake, eh pas aku kasih ke si mbak di kasir, dia bilang “maaf ibu, vouchernya uda expired per kemaren”. Ih, kok kaya dipentung ni kepala begitu liat tanggalnya “30 april 2011” sedangkan hari itu tanggal 1 may 2011, cuma beda sehari! Dudul banget kan lupanya kalo punya voucher πŸ˜€

..:: diah Re ::..

Banana bread pudding by Adib

Weekend time!
Seneng banget kalo uda ketemu weekend, ya nasib ibu pekerja, hanya weekend ini bisa bareng masak ma adib πŸ˜€

Menu weekend ini adalah banana bread pudding, akibat malam sebelumnya, pas lagi adib makan malem, sambil nonton acara “i can cook” di Cbeebis, dan langsung dia minta besok paginya untuk dibuatkan menu ini jadi sarapan plus adib yang masak.

Bangun pagi eh kok ya pisang ga ada, langsung deh cap cus ke pasar beli pisang, adib masih tidur. Pas sampe rumah, eh adib uda berendem di kamar mandi, diingetin soal puddingnya, Adib langsung senyum, tanda dia mau. Nungguin adib berendem, aku siapin bahan-bahannya biar nanti gampang pas dia bikinnya.

Banana Bread pudding
by Adib

Bahan-bahan :
Keju parut
Coklat serut
Gula pasir
Pisang uli
Roti tawar
Susu cair

Step 1
Adib mulai mengoles roti dengan mentega secara merata dan bolak-balik. Setelah itu dipotong menjadi bentuk segitiga 8 bagian.

Step 2
Biar loyangnya ga lengket, adib mulai memoles pinggan tahan panas dengan sedikit mentega.

Step 3
Saking seriusnya, adib kuliti pisang dengan ekspersi yang sangat lucu. Setelah dikuliti, potong tipis pisangnya hingga habis.

Step 4
Ini bagian paling kesukaan adib, dia bilangnya “crack the eggs, bunda!”. Pelan-pelan dia ambil telurnya dan dipecahkan dengan bantuan pisau, kemudian diletakkan dalam wadah. Kocok telur sebentar.

Step 5
Dan kocok mengocok pun dimulai, adib mulai memasukkan susu cair perlahan sesuai instruksi-ku (1). Setelah itu, gula pasir (2). Dan diaduk merata, sisihkan. Susun potongan segitiga roti ke dalam pinggan tahan panas (3 & 4). Lihat betapa seriusnya adib πŸ™‚ .Kemudian adib menata potongan pisangnya dan kemudian menaburinya dengan keju parut (5), kemudian coklat serut (6). Terakhir, tutupi bagian atasnya dengan roti kembali dan tuang adonan susu cair hingga penuh didalam pinggan tahan panasnya (7). Biarkan 2 menit hingga meresap, kemudian tuang kembali hingga penuh.

Step 6
Siap untuk dipanggang, 160dC selama 30 menit

Berhubung ga ada meises, jadinya aku pakai coklat serut aja dari bittersweet chocolate yang diparut πŸ™‚ Tapi kita bisa tambahkan dengan isian apapun yang kita suka kok, sultana, kismis, apple, stoberi, apapun yang disuka, tinggal cemplung aja.

Sambil nungguin pudding matang, adib & ayah pun sibuk bikin track thomas, dan begitu matang, mereka langsung minta disiapkan. Ternyata ga hanya baunya yang enak semerbak di dapur, tapi juga nyuuuum!

Makasi adib, uda bantuin bunda siapin sarapan pagi ini πŸ™‚

..:: diah Re ::..